IR-00-SBD3M1201-9603 Iridium 9603 SBD Transceiver Module
One-fourth the volume and half the footprint of the Iridium 9602, the innovative Iridium 9603 transceiver combines the global coverage of the Iridium satellite constellation with the low latency of the Iridium Short Burst Data Service to provide highly reliable satellite communications from pole to pole.
How it works
A single-board core transceiver, the Iridium 9603 comes in ‘black box’ format.
All device interfaces are provided through a single, multi-pin interface connector and an antenna connector, with additional end-user eld application functions (e.g., GPS, microprocessor-based logic control, digital and analog inputs and outputs, power supply and antenna) provided by the solution developer.
The Iridium 9603 transceiver does not incorporate or require a SIM card. Its device interface consists of a serial interface, power input, network available output and power on/off control line.
Why push boundaries when you can erase them instead?
The Iridium 9603 redefines the spatial possibilities of satellite communications devices, delivering significant data capabilities and good value.
Bringing more opportunities to expand the Iridium connected user base, the Iridium 9603 delivers:
• Mobile-originated messages(up to 340 bytes)
• Mobile-terminated messages(up to 270 bytes)
• Low, uniform global latency(less than 1 minute)