SPOT2 in Orange Color Satellite Messenger System
There is a proven 99.4% reliability with the SPOT2 messenger system. They process over 6 million messages a month or approximately 2.3 messages per second.
The SPOT network uses a GPS satellite system to verify a user’s location. SPOT2 Satellite Messenger has a rugged waterproof construction, floats, and is functional in extreme temperatures and climates. It uses AA lithium batteries that have a standby of approximately 12 months.
The SPOT2 “Satellite Personal Tracker” also known as the Spot Locator unit has more features and services than other Emergency Handheld GPS Personal Location Beacon units selling for over $1000.00
Applications and benefits
• It is light and easy to transport with coverage in practically all of the continental United States, Canada, Europe, Mexico, and Australia, sections of South America, Northern Africa, and Northeastern Asia.
• SPOT’s message and tracking functions enable users to send messages to friends, family or emergency responders, based upon varying levels of need and to visually track your location via internet access.